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Dry-Running Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps

Dry-Running Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps & Compressors

These vacuum pumps work in accordance to the proven rotary vane technology. Due to self-lubricating graphite vanes, no operating fluid is necessary. The compression occurs as part of a completely dry process. A consistently high vacuum level in continuous operation is guaranteed through perfectly coordinated materials, special graphite vanes in the compression chamber, effective heat discharge and the state-of-the-art and precise manufacturing.

An optional non-return valve prevents air from going back into the vacuum chamber when the vacuum pump is switched off. The unit is driven by an integrated motor which has a high level of efficiency. The compressor version works almost pulsation-free and completely oil-free. A powerful cooling fan guarantees good heat removal from the motor and the pump.

Dry-running rotary vane vacuum pumps operate oil-free with self-lubricating vanes made from special carbon. They are ideally suited for applications requiring an oil-free operation. A compressor version of the pump is also available.

Anderson Process partners with the leading dry-running rotary vane vacuum pump manufacturers to offer a comprehensive line of rotary vane vacuum pumps and compressors. Let us help you size a dry-running rotary vane vacuum pump today!

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