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Chopper Pumps


Anderson Process is proud to partner with some of the industry’s premier centrifugal chopper pump manufacturers —Hayward Gordon— to offer a large selection of chopper pumps for nearly any industrial process application. Our chopper pumps provide exceptional reliability, enabling operations to maximize production up-time.

Chopper pumps function dually with cutting and pumping capabilities. They are made for applications that require solids size to be reduced or where downstream equipment needs protection. The clamp type construction enables the wet end to be constructed of wear resistant materials to maximize component life against abrasives.

Chopper pumps are typically found in waste treatment, pulp and paper, and food processing industries. Configurations included direct drive, vertical dry pit, vertical line shaft, v-belt drive, submersible, and vertical cantilever. Materials of construction include Ni-Hard, Super Ni-Hard, High Chrome, Tool Steel as well as Cast Iron and High Alloy materials.

Chopper Pumps Brands

Hayward Gordon
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