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Non-Metallic Pumps

Corrosion Resistant Non-Metallic Pumps.

Non-metallic pumps are suitable for a multitude of applications in the industry. The non-metallic materials in widest use for pumps handling corrosive and aggressive chemicals.

Corrosion resistance was identified as the major attribute of non-metallic pumps. But their abrasion resistance and ability to avoid metallic contamination of the product they are pumping, thus preserving its purity, also are important characteristics. Of even greater significance is the inert chemical nature of the thermoplastics, which are suitable for use over the full pH range. This property simplifies the choice of the specific material, and extends the usefulness and service life of a given pump in a variety of applications.

Anderson Process is proud to partner with some of the industry’s premier centrifugal non-metallic pump manufacturers —Ansimag,Finish Thompson,March Pumps,Richter,T-MagandVanton— to offer a large selection of non-metallic pumps for nearly any industrial process application. Our non-metallic pumps provide exceptional reliability, enabling operations to maximize production up-time.

Non-Metallic Pumps Brands

Finish Thompson
March Pumps
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